Monday, April 13, 2009

Silence is GOLDEN!

Whoever said "silence is golden" was not the parent of a small child.
When all is peaceful and quiet my son better be sleeping, otherwise I'm suspicious.

Well the other morning, I was in my bathroom getting ready when I realized, it's quiet.. too quiet..
so I walk through the house in stealth mode, because it's always exciting for me to find him in his latest adventure. So I check his bedroom and he's not there. I scan the living room, not there either. Spare bedroom? Nope! Then I spot him..

..and there he is, standing next to the trash can with no pants on, one sock, a full diaper and a can of pringles. Turns out, my husband threw the pringles out that morning while packing his lunch, because they were old and stale (obviously not enough of a deterrent for my son, since he was eating them in huge stack-fulls).
I'm sure this will be one of the pictures I show to his future girlfriends.
Don't ever forget how much Mommy loves you, Booger! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. He is adorable!!!

    You have a beautiful family that I only dream to have one day. :)

    Oh as for blogging... it is a crazy sensation isn't it? Therapeutic too.


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